The below is a collection of resources that I frequently share and reference. Resources fit into three broad categories: general data resources, R resources, and economics profession resources. I hope sharing this can help you build, write, and create things.
General Data Resources
Finding Data
The fantastic Data is Plural newsletter: structured archive & sign-up
Resources from FlowingData: newsletter & data source list & guide to finding data
Data visualization inspiration
FlowingData website & newsletters
The Pudding essays & their How To Make Dope [Stuff] on The Internet series
W. E. B. Du Bois’s Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America (thread with many related links here)
R Resources
General R Resources
R Community Resources
RStudio Community (essentially, StackOverflow but all R)
R-Ladies Community: content via @WeAreRLadies & find an R-Ladies meetup here
Content via #rstats on Twitter
R for Data Visualization
Data Visualization: A practical introduction (with lots of ggplot2 code!) by Kieran Healy
A Comprehensive list of R color palettes from Emil Hvitfeldt
Related blog post on choosing colors by Lisa Charlotte Rost
Grafify for color blind-friendly palettes
Here are R scripts and notebooks used to generate my blog projects
Using R for Academic Projects
renv package resources: main page, combining renv and RSPM by Grant McDermott, renv slides by Kevin Ushey
Xaringan (R package) for slides
Why xaringan / remark.js for HTML5 Presentations? from creator Yihui Xie
Meet xaringan from Alison Hill
Making a website with blogdown (R package)
Making a CV with R
Steven Miller’s CV template (preview)
Simon Heß's CV template (preview)
The vitae R package
Nick Strayer's datadrivenvc package
Predictive Modeling with Tidymodels (R package)
The fantastic Tidymodels website
For binary classification: (1) a “getting started” case study, (2) Julia classifies penguins, (3) Julia predicts water availability
Economics Profession Resources
Causal inference concepts
“So you’ve made a regression model” flowchart from Nick Huntington-Klein
“Econometrics Sandbox” series from Florence Kondylis and John Loeser
Teaching materials on causal inference/metrics
Visualizations for empirical research
Staggered differences-in-differences
Reviewing for journals
Section 6.3 (p.126-133) of Doing Economics (2012 blog post version here)
Berk, Harvey, and Hirshleifer (2017)'s JEL article on refereeing
Conferences, grants, seminars
Organizing panels for conferences: twitter thread by Aaron Sojourner
Online economics seminars: AEA list + Twitter replies + Bluesky replies
Using version control
Advice on writing papers
"The Introduction Formula" by Keith Head
"The Ten Most Important Rules of Writing Your Job Market Paper" by Claudia Goldin and Larry Katz
"How to Write Applied Papers in Economics" by Marc Bellemare
"we need to talk MORE..." by Claudia Sahm
Misc. resources
How to FOIA: twitter thread by Ashvin Gandhi
Making a simple academic website: write-up by Kevin Wilson
Switching from Mendeley to Zotero: twitter thread by Remy Levin
Email tips: "how to send and reply to email" article by Matt Might
File naming: "How to Name Files, Like a Normie" slides by Jenny Bryan
The Ombuds Resource for AEA Members (FAQ here)
The econ job market
I wrote a blog post on the market here (twitter thread version is here)
Chase Eck, Kelli Marquardt, and Dana Shaat’s Guide on Mentally Preparing for the Job Market
Their Guide to JM Guides here
Graphs re: JOE job postings over time here by Andrew Lilley
Twitter bot with JOE job info: @EconJobsBot made by @TheKeveloper
Advice on non-academic cover letters here
Google sheet template here for keeping track of reference letter submissions
AEA webinar on the job market here (it covers applying, interviews, negotiating, and more)
Incredible resources from Natalia Emanuel: "Job Market Thoughts" & "Job Market Objective Functions"
Negotiation advice: memo/advice from Claudia Goldin and Larry Katz & lecture on “How to Negotiate Your Job Offer” by Deepak Malhotra
Undergraduate thesis writing
Here is a page of resources I made for undergraduate thesis writers